SICO Capital is a full-service financial services firm based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, that offers a comprehensive range of services and products to individual, institutional and corporate clients. SICO Capital, operating since 2009 (previously known as SICO Capital), has a SAR 60.0 million paid-up capital and is incorporated as a closed joint stock company (CJSC) in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) under Commercial Registration No. (1010259328). SICO Capital is licensed by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) under Authorization No. (37-08096) and was granted all five licenses on 11/03/2008 as per the Securities Business Regulations in Saudi Arabia and commenced operations on 20/06/2009. Our comprehensive licenses allow us to offer the full spectrum of capital market activities such as dealing (as principal and agent), asset management, advisory & arranging, underwriting, and custody services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
SICO Capital is majority owned (72.7%) by SICO BSC (c), Bahrain, a wholesale bank incorporated in the Kingdom of Bahrain. SICO is a leading regional asset manager, broker, and investment bank with more than USD 3.5 bn in assets under management (AUM). Bank Muscat SOAG (Oman), the largest bank and financial services provider in the Sultanate of Oman owns the remaining stake (23.3%) in SICO Capital. Bank Muscat SOAG (Oman) is also a strategic shareholder of SICO BSC (c), owning a 10.4% stake.
As a full-fledged capital market entity in Saudi Arabia, SICO Capital is committed to offering its clients a one-stop shop for investment services across our service lines. SICO Capital also benefits from SICO’s proven track record in asset management, brokerage, custody, fund administration, financial advisory services and access to other regional markets through their strong and committed shareholders. SICO Capital is a full-fledged financial services firm committed to deliver the highest levels of financial services to its corporate and individual clients, including corporations, family offices, governments, and high-net-worth individuals.Our professional team comprises of experienced and innovative professionals who create value through extensive knowledge of local, regional, and international markets while having access to key decision makers and institutional investors in Saudi Arabia and the GCC. Our team members have exceptional international, regional, and local corporate finance, brokerage and asset management experience and a proven track record of transactional execution capabilities across a range of sectors.
With over SAR 4.4 billion in AUMs (as of July 31, 2021) across mutual funds and discretionary portfolios, we aim to service our clients to achieve their investment objectives through our research driven investment process, insightful financial advisory while operating in a client-centric, high-performance culture.